Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Our Family Venn

Excuse the font.  Today felt like a Courier kind of day.  I've mentioned before that one of my favorite blogs is A Cup of Jo, and as I was perusing it the other day I came across this really great Venn Diagram by Ruka-Ruka.  I loved it so much I thought, I could do that!  Here's what I came up with...

Let me be clear that this is not my own design, and I am not trying to pass it off as such.  I'm just a Photoshop novice who loves diagrams.  Know of any yourself?  No?  Well if you do, you know where I am!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Waking Wednesday #13

Hola friends!  Yes, it's Waking Wednesday and {gasp} I remembered!  Can I get a hooray?  Well because of my silliness of last week, I don't have anyone's crafts to feature.  So I went shopping through my "BLOVE" page and found some great ideas to share with you.  Oh, the creativity of these women astound me.

                                         1.  baby arm warmers
                                         2.  stuffed animal canopy
                                         3.  monster pillow
                                         4.  diaper covers

And now I want to see what you've been working on! 

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